Create Professional-Looking PDF Invoices Quickly and Easily with Python.

02 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Generate PDF Invoices using Python

In the age of the internet and digital products, the ability to generate PDF invoices quickly and easily with Python is essential. Whether you are creating invoices for customers or clients, or generating a document for internal use, Python makes it possible to automate the process of generating PDFs. This article will show you how.

What You Need To Generate PDF Invoices With Python

To generate PDF invoices using Python, you need the following:

  • Python installed on your computer
  • A library that can read and write PDFs, such as Reportlab or PyPDF2
  • An HTML/CSS template to use as a base for your invoice

Creating an Invoice Template

The first step in creating an invoice using Python is to create an HTML/CSS template. This template should contain all the elements that you would like to appear in the final invoice. You can use a tool like Bootstrap Studio to easily create a template with the required elements. Once you have created the template, you can move on to the next step.

Generating the PDF Invoice Using Python

Now that you have an HTML/CSS template, you can use Python to generate the PDF invoice. The process involves importing the template into a Python script, adding the necessary data, and then generating the PDF file. To do this, you will need to install a library that can read and write PDFs, such as Reportlab or PyPDF2. Once you have the library installed, you can use the library’s API to generate the PDF using your template and data.

Example Python code for generating PDF invoices using the reportlab library:

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from datetime import date

# Define the invoice details
customer_name = "John Smith"
invoice_number = "INV-001"
invoice_date ="%B %d, %Y")
subtotal = 100.00
tax_rate = 0.10
tax_amount = subtotal * tax_rate
total = subtotal + tax_amount

# Create the PDF canvas
pdf = canvas.Canvas("invoice.pdf", pagesize=letter)

# Add the invoice header
pdf.drawString(50, 750, "INVOICE")
pdf.drawString(50, 735, "Invoice Number: {}".format(invoice_number))
pdf.drawString(50, 720, "Invoice Date: {}".format(invoice_date))

# Add the customer details
pdf.drawString(50, 650, "Customer Name: {}".format(customer_name))

# Add the invoice items
pdf.drawString(50, 600, "Item")
pdf.drawString(250, 600, "Price")
pdf.line(50, 595, 550, 595)
pdf.drawString(50, 580, "Item 1")
pdf.drawString(250, 580, "$100.00")
pdf.line(50, 575, 550, 575)

# Add the invoice totals
pdf.drawString(400, 550, "Subtotal: ${:.2f}".format(subtotal))
pdf.drawString(400, 535, "Tax ({:.0f}%): ${:.2f}".format(tax_rate*100, tax_amount))
pdf.line(50, 520, 550, 520)
pdf.drawString(400, 505, "Total: ${:.2f}".format(total))

# Save the PDF file

This code uses the canvas class from reportlab to create a new PDF file named invoice.pdf with a letter-sized page. It then adds the invoice header with the invoice number and date, the customer details, the invoice items with their prices, and the invoice totals with the subtotal, tax, and total. Finally, it saves the PDF file using the save method of the canvas object.


Generating PDF invoices using Python is a great way to automate the process of creating PDF documents. With the right library and HTML/CSS template, you can easily generate invoices with Python. Give it a try today!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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