Convert Videos to Audio Files Easily With Our Python Video to Audio Converter

02 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Python Video to Audio Converter Project

Are you looking for a way to quickly and easily convert your videos to audio? Are you tired of using complicated online converters that take ages and produce low-quality results? Do you want something that is more powerful, yet easier to use?

Well, look no further! Python is here to revolutionize the way you convert videos to audio. With Python, you can quickly and easily convert any video file into high-quality audio files in just a few simple steps.

Using Python to convert video to audio is super easy. All you need to do is choose the file you want to convert, select either M4A or MP3 as the output format, and then click ‘convert’. Within seconds, your video will be converted into an audio file which you can save to your computer and listen to whenever you want.

The advantages of using Python to convert videos to audio are vast. Python is a highly versatile programming language which means it can handle large video files with ease. Plus, you get extremely high-quality audio files which sound much better than the ones you get from online converters. Python also gives you the freedom to customize the files to your liking, allowing you to adjust the sample rate and bitrate of the audio files, making them even higher-quality.

So, if you’re looking for a fast and easy way to convert your videos to audio, look no further than Python! With Python, you can quickly and easily convert any video into a high-quality audio file in just a few simple steps. Don’t wait any longer, start converting your videos with Python today!


Example Python code for a Video to Audio Converter using the moviepy library:

from moviepy.editor import *

# Define the input and output files
input_file = "input.mp4"
output_file = "output.mp3"

# Load the video file and extract the audio
video = VideoFileClip(input_file)
audio =

# Write the audio to a new file

# Close the files

This code loads the input video file input.mp4 using the VideoFileClip class from moviepy. It then extracts the audio from the video using the audio attribute of the VideoFileClip object. Finally, it writes the audio to a new file output.mp3 using the write_audiofile method of the AudioFileClip object.

Note that this code assumes that the input video file has an audio track. If the video file does not have an audio track, an exception will be raised when trying to extract the audio.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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