Go’s Way of Handling Errors – A Guide to Error Handling With Golang

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Golang

Golang Error Handling: Go’s Way of Handling Errors

Error handling is an important part of any programming language. In Golang, a few different approaches are used to handle errors. We’ll take a look at how Go handles errors and the pros and cons of each approach.

Error Types in Golang

In Go, there are two primary types of errors that can be handled: Panic and Recover. Panic errors occur when a program encounters an unexpected condition or circumstance, such as an out-of-memory situation or an invalid input. Recover errors occur when a function returns an error object instead of a value, as when a database query fails.

Approaches for Handling Errors

A common approach for handling errors in Golang is to use the if/else block. This method allows for more control over the type of errors being handled. If the error is recoverable, then the code will continue to run, while if it is not recoverable the code will exit immediately with an error message.

Another approach is to use the defer statement. With this strategy, code is executed immediately before the function returns. This means that the code can capture any errors that occur within the function, as well as handle any errors thrown by the function itself.

Lastly, Go also makes use of function panics. A panic is a special type of error that is triggered when a critical problem occurs in the program. When a panic is triggered, the program will abruptly exit, usually with a stack trace to help pinpoint the underlying issue.

Pros and Cons of Go’s Error Model

The advantage of Go’s error model is that it allows for more robust error handling than many other programming languages. Unlike some languages, which just return an error code or throw an exception, Go provides the ability to capture specific errors and respond to them appropriately.

The downside is that error handling can be more verbose and require more attention to detail. The code for handling errors may also become more complex over time as new conditions and exceptions are added. Additionally, Go does not have a built-in exception system, so errors must be manually handled by the programmer.


Go provides an efficient and robust way to handle errors. It offers the ability to capture specific errors and respond to them appropriately. While its lack of a built-in exception system makes error handling more verbose, the advantages of using Go’s error model usually outweigh the drawbacks.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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