Learn Golang with Tutorials, Resources & Examples

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Golang

What is Golang?

Golang (short for Go) is an open-source programming language developed by Google in 2009. It was created out of a need for a language that would combine the speed and scalability of C and C++ with the ease of development of Python. Golang is a statically typed, compiled language specifically designed for large-scale system programming. Unlike Python, Golang is capable of handling multithreading and parallelism, allowing developers to take advantage of all available resources. Together with its garbage collection and memory safety capabilities, Golang makes it an excellent choice for large-scale projects.

Getting Started with Golang

The best way to get started with Golang is to use the official Golang website. The site contains detailed instructions, tutorials, and resources to help you on your journey. Additionally, there are many helpful active online communities, like Golang Reddit or Golang Forum, where you can ask questions and get answers from experienced Go developers.

Writing Code in Golang

Golang is a general-purpose programming language, which means you can use it to create virtually any kind of application or software. To start coding in Golang, you’ll need to download the Golang compiler and install it on your system. Once you have that done, you can start writing your first program. A simple “Hello World” in Golang looks like this:

package main func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World!") }

Golang uses packages as the fundamental unit of code organization. A package can contain executable code and other packages, making it easy to structure an entire project. Furthermore, there are numerous third-party libraries and frameworks available for Golang, like Revel or Echo, that provide convenient ways to code complex applications quickly.

Tutorials and Resources for Learning Golang

There are many excellent tutorials and resources available online for learning Golang. These include online courses, books, and video tutorials. Some of the most popular tutorials include “A Tour of Go” which is provided by the official Golang website and “Learn Go in Y minutes” which is available on GitHub. Additionally, there is an active Golang community where you can ask questions and get helpful advice from other developers.

Example Projects in Golang

To get a better understanding of Golang and how it works, you can try creating some practical projects in Golang. Some of the popular example projects that you can try are a minimal web server, a memory game, or a command line calculator. All of these example projects can be found online, either on the official Golang website or other online resources.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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