Should You Choose Golang or Python For AI Development?

25 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Golang vs Python: Which One to Choose for AI Development?

The debate between Golang and Python for developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications is one that’s been going on for a while. While both languages have their pros and cons, depending on your project goals, either could be an ideal choice for AI development. Let’s take a closer look at how these two languages compare when it comes to AI.

Performance: Golang has an edge when it comes to speed and performance. It was designed for ease of use and scalability and its compiled nature gives it an advantage over Python. Python, however, is still easier to learn and use for most developers.

Flexibility: Because of its simplicity and flexibility, Python is used extensively in AI and machine learning applications. It has a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make it easy to build powerful AI solutions. Golang, on the other hand, is more suitable for building applications that require scalability and performance.

Support: Python has more support than Golang in the AI and ML space. Its open source libraries and frameworks provide developers with the necessary tools to get started quickly. Golang, on the other hand, has less help and documentation available, making it a bit more difficult to work with.

Cost: Both Golang and Python are open source, so they don’t cost anything to use. However, Python’s extensive library and framework support may require additional cost for training and hiring experienced developers.

In conclusion, both Golang and Python can be excellent choices for AI development. It’s important to consider your project goals and what type of performance and scalability you need before making your final decision.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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