Manual action report, Google Search Console,, webmaster tools, diagnosis, corrective measures

14 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

Understanding the Google Search Console Manual Actions Report

Google Search Console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools) offers webmasters a wealth of helpful tools for managing their website’s visibility. One of the most important reports is the Manual Actions report, which provides information about any manual actions taken against a given website. This guide will help you understand what the Manual Actions report is, and how to interpret it.

What is the Manual Actions Report?

The Manual Actions report is a part of Google Search Console that shows any manual actions taken against a website. Manual actions occur when an online search engine or algorithm identifies potential violations of their guidelines, and someone from within the company manually reviews those violations. These manual actions can include removing pages from search results, demoting a website in the rankings, or completely de-indexing the site from the search engine.

The Manual Actions report contains information about any manual action taken against your website. It includes the type, severity, and details of the action, as well as the URLs affected and the date the action was taken.

Interpreting the Manual Actions Report

Google Search Console’s manual actions report is organized into three sections: Overview, URL Violations, and Link Violations. The Overview section provides an overview of the manual actions taken against your website, including the number of violations and URL examples. The URL Violations section lists any violations related to individual pages on your website, such as thin content or cloaking. Finally, the Link Violations section lists any actions taken against links pointing to your website, such as unnatural link schemes or link buying.

When interpreting the Manual Actions report, it’s important to understand the severity and type of action taken. If the action is severe or affects a large number of URLs, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible. Additionally, make sure to review the details of the action so you can understand the root cause and take the necessary steps to fix it.


Google Search Console’s Manual Actions report contains important information about any manual actions taken against your website. It’s important to understand what these actions are, and how to interpret them. By reviewing the manual actions report, you can identify any issues with your website’s visibility and make the necessary changes to correct them.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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