Hacking CSS Animation State and Playback Time

26 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 MERN Full Stack

Understanding Hacking CSS Animation State and Playback Time

CSS animation gives web developers an incredible amount of control over the way content appears onscreen. With a few simple lines of code, it is possible to animate any element on a webpage or, even more impressively, create full-blown motion graphics. However, if you really want to get the most out of your animations, there are some techniques you can use to manipulate the state and playback time of CSS animations.

Manipulating the State of a CSS Animation

The state of a CSS animation is determined by its current properties. For example, the current position, size, and color of an object can all be used to determine its state. By changing one or more of these properties, you can create a dramatic effect that would otherwise be impossible to achieve.

One common technique to manipulate the state of a CSS animation is to use the transform property. By changing the transform values, you can easily reposition, rotate, or scale an element. This can be used to create an interesting effect — instead of the normal animation behaviour, you could have elements move in a unique, nonlinear way.

Manipulating Playback Time of a CSS Animation

In addition to manipulating the state of a CSS animation, you can also manipulate its playback time. Most animation frameworks have a startTime property, which allows you to specify the exact time at which the animation should begin. If combined with the transform property, this can be used to create the illusion of an animation that has paused at a certain point before resuming.

Another way to manipulate the playback time is to use the delay property. This property can be used to specify how long the animation should pause before starting. By making small adjustments to this value, you can create subtle shifts in the animation without having to alter the actual animation itself.


By learning how to hack CSS animation state and playback time, you can create some truly amazing effects. These techniques are incredibly powerful and can add a whole new level of creativity to your animations. However, they must be used responsibly, as changing the properties of an animation can have unintended consequences. With a bit of practice, though, you should be able to make stunning animations with minimal effort.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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