Haskell programming language, functional purity, referential transparency, static typing, strong type safety, clean code

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Haskell Programming language

Functional Purity and Referential Transparency in Haskell Programming

When speaking of functional programming, two distinct concepts often come to mind: functional purity and referential transparency. Both are fundamental aspects of the functional paradigm and are key elements of successful Haskell programming.

What is Functional Purity?

Functional purity is the property that a function must possess in order for it to be considered “pure”. This property ensures that a given function will always return the same output given the same input, regardless of the order that it is called or any other external factors. A pure function also has no side-effects, meaning that it does not modify any global state or cause any changes outside of the scope of its own execution. An example of a pure function might be one that adds two numbers together and returns the result:

add x y = x + y

Given that this function is pure, calling it with the same two arguments (e.g. add 3 4) will always return 7 – nothing else can affect the result.

What is Referential Transparency?

Referential transparency is related to functional purity in that it refers to functions which, given the same set of arguments, return the same result every time they are invoked. Where functional purity deals with the relations between functions and variables, referential transparency deals with the relation between expressions and variables within a function. Simply put, if an expression is referentially transparent, then it can be replaced by its value without changing the meaning of the program.

Consider the following example:

add x y = x + y 
total = add 3 4

The expression add 3 4 is referentially transparent because it can be replaced by its value of 7 without changing the meaning of the program. In other words, total would still be 7 whether or not add 3 4 was replaced by 7.


Functional purity and referential transparency are key aspects of functional programming, and particularly of the Haskell language. By understanding and applying these principles, we can create robust and reliable programs that are easy to understand and maintain.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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