HMACSHA256 Java Example - Creating Secure Message Authentication

30 Aug 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

HMACSHA256 Java Example

HMACSHA256 is an advanced encryption algorithm that allows developers to create encrypted message signatures that can be verified for authenticity. It is widely used in web applications, mobile applications, and other cryptography-based systems. In this article, we'll provide an example of how to use HMACSHA256 in Java.

What is HMACSHA256?

HMACSHA256 (or “Hash-based Message Authentication Code with SHA256”) is a secure cryptographic hash algorithm commonly used in web technologies. It combines a secret key (or password) with data to be authenticated. The resulting HMACSHA256 hash is derived from both the message (data) and the secret key used to sign the message. This makes it difficult for attackers to forge or alter the message content without being detected.

Implementing HMACSHA256 in Java

In order to use HMACSHA256 in Java, you'll need to include the javax.crypto library in your classpath, as well as ensure that the version of Java you're using supports HMACSHA256 (most modern versions do). You also need to provide a valid secret key as an input to the HMACSHA256 algorithm.

Once you have done this, implementing HMACSHA256 in Java is relatively straightforward. The following code snippet shows a basic example:

byte[] secretKey = "YourSecretKey".getBytes();
byte[] data = "YourDataToEncrypt".getBytes();

Mac hMacSHA256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256") ;
hMacSHA256.init(new SecretKeySpec(secretKey, "HmacSHA256"));
byte[] macData = hMacSHA256.doFinal(data);

System.out.println("HMACSHA256 Encrypted Data :" + macData.toString());

The code snippet above creates a secret key (which could alternatively be stored in an environment variable), converts the data into a byte array, and then initializes a Java Mac (Message authentication code) instance, specifying HmacSHA256 as the algorithm. Finally, the Mac instance is used to create the encrypted HMACSHA256 hash of the data.


HMACSHA256 is a powerful cryptographic algorithm that allows developers to verify the authenticity of their messages. This article provided an example of how to implement HMACSHA256 in Java, including the required steps for creating and initializing a Mac instance for HMACSHA256 encryption. We hope you found this guide helpful!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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