How to Read Values From Excel in Java

06 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

Reading Values From Excel in Java

The rise of automated processes and data-driven decisions requires the ability to read and write data to and from Excel files. Java provides a wide variety of options for working with Excel files, and there are numerous libraries that allow you to quickly and easily read and write Excel data. In this blog post, we will take a look at how to read values from an Excel file using Java.

Understanding Excel Files

Excel files are stored in the XLSX format, which is a combination of XML and ZIP files. The XLSX file contains the data for each sheet of the workbook, and each sheet consists of cells which contain the data for the workbook. Each cell can contain a value, formula, or other data types.

Accessing Cells Through Java Libraries

There are several Java libraries that can be used to access the cells of an Excel sheet. For example, Apache POI is a popular open-source library for reading and writing Excel files. With POI, you can use the Cell and Row classes to access the data from an Excel sheet.

The Apache POI library can also be used to access cells by name. You can use the getCellByName() method to get a cell by its name and then get its value with the getStringValue() method.


Reading values from an Excel file using Java is relatively easy and straightforward, thanks to the many libraries that are available. Whether you are using Apache POI or another library, it's important to understand the basics of how Excel files are structured and how to access the cells using a Java library.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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