How to Move View with Keyboard in Android Using Kotlin

22 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Kotlin

How to Move View with Keyboard in Android using Kotlin

Learning how to move a view with the keyboard in Android using Kotlin is an important skill for any experienced developer. In this tutorial, we will go over the steps necessary to move a view with the keyboard in an Android application using Kotlin programming language.

Step 1: Set up the view

The first step is to set up the view. This can be done in the layout XML file or in code. For this example, we will use the layout XML file.

Open the XML layout file and add a FrameLayout around the view that you would like to make movable. This will allow the view to move within the bounds of the FrameLayout. Next, add two buttons to the layout - one for moving the view up and one for moving the view down.

Step 2: Add the Kotlin code

Now that the view and the buttons are set up, it’s time to add the Kotlin code. Open the Kotlin file and create a function that will be called when the buttons are clicked.

Inside the function, you will need to retrieve the view from the layout and find its current position. Then, use a switch statement to determine which button was clicked and adjust the view’s position accordingly. Finally, save the new position and commit the changes.

Step 3: Test the code

Once the code is complete, it’s time to test it out! Run the application and try pressing the up and down buttons to see if the view moves as expected. If everything works properly, then you’ve successfully moved a view with the keyboard in Android using Kotlin.


In this tutorial, we went over the steps to move a view with the keyboard in Android using Kotlin. With just a few lines of code and some basic understanding of the Kotlin programming language, you can easily create your own views that respond to user input.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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