Understanding and Using Classes in Python

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Using Classes in Python

Python is an object-oriented programming language, which means that it allows users to create and work with objects. A key benefit of using classes is that it provides a means of logically grouping data and functions that are related to each other. This, in turn, makes it easier to understand and maintain our code.

Creating and Using Classes in Python

To create a class in Python, we use the keyword class followed by the name of the class. Classes are typically named using Pascal case; this means that each part of the name starts with an upper-case letter. For example:

class Person: 

The keyword pass indicates that the body of the class is empty; this is necessary for Python to recognize the class as valid. Once we have defined our class, we can then create instances of it. These instances are known as objects, and they typically take the form of variables.

bob = Person()
jane = Person()

We can then use these objects to access and manipulate the data associated with our class. For instance, if we wanted to add a "name" attribute to our Person class, we could do so like this:

class Person: 
    def __init__(self, name): 
        self.name = name

bob = Person("Bob")
jane = Person("Jane")

print(bob.name) # prints "Bob"
print(jane.name) # prints "Jane"

In the code above, we have defined a class called Person which takes a single argument ("name") during instantiation. We then use this argument to create two instances of the class, bob and jane. Finally, we use the objects themselves (i.e., bob and jane) to access and print out the value of the name attribute.

Classes in Python are Powerful and Flexible

Using classes in Python gives us a lot of flexibility and power. Classes allow us to easily define the properties of our objects (i.e., attributes) and to group together related data and functions (i.e., methods). This makes it much easier to organize and maintain our code, and can have a huge impact on the readability and maintainability of our applications.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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