content from accounts outside of your circle. Instagram, Content, Follow, Discover, People, Tips

06 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

Explore More Content From People You Don’t Follow

Are you ready to spice up your feed and discover content from new accounts? Instagram makes it easy to stay connected with people you don’t follow.

how to find and explore content from accounts outside of your circle.

  1. Search Relevant Hashtags: Look beyond the people you already follow and discover content from other accounts by searching relevant hashtags. This way, you can gain insights, join conversations, and see what others are talking about. You may just discover your next favorite account.
  2. Check Your Suggestions Page: Instagram recommends accounts that you might be interested in following. Take the time to explore these accounts and see if any capture your interest.
  3. Follow Popular Accounts: Pay attention to popular accounts and see who they’re interacting and engaging with. Odds are, you’ll find some hidden gems in that list.

Never miss a beat and expand your content horizon with these simple steps. Happy exploring!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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