Instagram Now Enables Likes On Stories –

06 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

Instagram Enables Likes On Stories!

Yes, Instagram now enables likes on stories. This feature was rolled out in February 2022, and it allows users to show their appreciation for a story without sending a DM. To like a story, simply tap the heart icon that appears next to the reply bar.

Story likes are not public, and only the creator can see who liked their story. You can view your story likes in the viewer sheet, which is where you can also see who viewed your story.

There are a few reasons why Instagram added likes to stories. First, it gives users a more direct way to show their appreciation for stories. Second, it can help creators track their engagement and see which stories are resonating with their audience. Finally, it can help to reduce the number of DMs that users receive, as people can now simply like a story to show their support.

Here are some tips for using Instagram story likes:

  • Like stories that you enjoy and that you want to support the creator of.
  • Be mindful of how many stories you like each day, as you don't want to overload your friends and followers with notifications.
  • If you're a creator, check your story likes regularly to see which stories are performing well.
  • Use story likes to track your progress over time and see how your engagement is changing.

Overall, Instagram story likes are a welcome addition to the platform. They give users a more direct way to show their appreciation for stories, and they can help creators track their engagement.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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