Integrating Authentication Using AWS Amplify in Flutter - A Complete Guide

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Andriod

How to Integrate Authentication using AWS Amplify in Flutter: Complete Guide

Integrating authentication into a mobile application can be a daunting task with many different libraries and services to choose from. Fortunately, AWS Amplify provides an easy way to quickly add authentication to your Flutter project using the AWS Cognito service. In this guide, we'll walk through how to integrate authentication into your Flutter app using the AWS Amplify library.


Before you begin, you'll need to have the following set up:

  • A Flutter project created using the latest stable version of the Flutter SDK
  • An AWS account
  • The AWS Amplify Cli installed and configured for use with your AWS account

Step 1: Install the AWS Amplify Flutter Library

The first step is to install the AWS Amplify Flutter library. To do this, open your pubspec.yaml file and add the following line:

  aws_amplify_flutter: ^1.0.0

After saving, run the command ‘flutter packages get’ in your project root directory. This will download and install the AWS Amplify Flutter library.

Step 2: Configure Auth with AWS Amplify

Now that the library has been installed, it's time to configure authentication with AWS Amplify. To do this, open a terminal in your project root directory and run the amplify init command. This will prompt you to enter various configuration details and will create an Amplify configuration file in your project.

Once the configuration file has been created, you can now configure authentication. To do this, first create an identity pool in the AWS Console. Once the identity pool has been created, run the command amplify add auth to configure authentication with that identity pool. This will prompt you to enter various configuration details such as the OAuth flow and the allowed identity providers.

Once the configuration is complete, run the command amplify push to deploy the configuration to the cloud. This will create all the necessary resources for your authentication setup.

Step 3: Integrate Authentication into Your Flutter App

Now that you have authentication set up, it's time to integrate it into your Flutter app. To do this, first import the library:

import 'package:aws_amplify_flutter/aws_amplify_flutter.dart';

Next, configure the library using your Amplify configuration file:


Once the library is configured, you can create a new user by calling the signUp method:

Auth.signUp(username, password);

You can also authenticate a user with their existing credentials by calling the signIn method:

Auth.signIn(username, password);

Finally, you can sign out a user with the signOut method:



By following this guide, you should have a basic understanding of how to integrate authentication into your Flutter app using the AWS Amplify library. With the AWS Amplify library, you can easily allow users to securely log in and authenticate with your app.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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