How To Use Google Slides

14 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

How to Use Google Slides in HTML Format

Google Slides is an incredibly powerful tool for creating presentations, and it can be used not only in its own native format but also in HTML code. This allows for a variety of creative possibilities when building your presentation, such as the ability to embed your slides into a web page or blog post.

Step 1: Create Your Presentation in Google Slides

Before you can export your presentation to HTML, you first need to create it inside Google Slides. This is done in the same way as a normal presentation, you simply add slides, insert text, images, and other elements just as you would with any other presentation tool.

Step 2: Export Your Presentation to HTML

Once you have created your presentation in Google Slides, you can export it to HTML using the ‘File’ menu. Select ‘Export as’ then choose ‘HTML’ from the dropdown menu. This will create a zip file containing your slides in HTML format.

Step 3: Upload Your HTML Files

The next step is to upload the HTML files from the zip file you created earlier to the web server of your choice. This could be your own website, a third-party hosting service, or even Google Drive. Once the files are uploaded, you can view them in a browser by navigating to the URL of the ZIP file.

Step 4: Embed Your Presentation into a Web Page

The final step is to embed the HTML version of your presentation into a web page. This can be done with just a few lines of code. All you need to do is create an iframe element and set the src attribute to point to the URL of your ZIP file. You can also add additional attributes such as height and width if you want to adjust the size of the presentation.

Using Google Slides in HTML format can be a great way to add dynamic content to your website or blog post. With just a few steps, you can easily create and embed your presentation into any web page.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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