Patterns for Iterating Over Large Result Sets with Spring Data JPA

06 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

Patterns for Iterating Over Large Result Sets With Spring Data JPA

Iterating over large result sets can be challenging, especially when using an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework like Spring Data JPA. Certain approaches, such as fetching the entire result set at once and processing it in memory, can cause significant performance issues and limited scalability. In this article, we will discuss a few different patterns for iterating over large result sets with the help of Spring Data JPA.

Pattern 1: Pagination Using Offset and Limit

The offset and limit parameters are two of the most important features in Spring Data JPA, allowing developers to efficiently paginate through large datasets. Pagination allows us to process the data in chunks, rather than all at once. This can be achieved by providing the offset and limit values in the query. The offset specifies the row from which the query should start, while the limit specifies the number of rows that should be returned for a single page.

Pattern 2: Scrollable ResultSets with Hibernate

Hibernate is an ORM framework available within Spring Data JPA. Hibernate provides a flavor of JDBC called Scrollable ResultSets, which can be used to iterate over large result sets efficiently and perform operations on them one row at a time. This can be achieved by setting the FetchSize property of the query. By setting this value to a large number, it allows Hibernate to fetch many rows at once, thus reducing the number of trips made to the database.

Pattern 3: Iterator Pattern with Spring Data JPA

The Iterator pattern is a great way to iterate over result sets without bringing the entire result set into memory. Instead, the Iterator pattern only fetches a few rows at a time, which can greatly reduce memory usage. This can be easily implemented in Spring Data JPA with the help of the JpaRepository interface's findAll(Pageable) method. This method allows us to specify the desired page size and return an Iterable object containing the data from the requested page.


Iterating over large result sets is a common task for applications working with databases, and the use of an ORM framework like Spring Data JPA can make it easier. In this article, we discussed three different patterns for iterating over large result sets efficiently. While these are just a few of the available approaches, they should provide a good starting point for anyone looking to develop an application using these patterns.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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