"Should I Learn Python 2 or 3? (And Why It Matters)"

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Should I Learn Python 2 or 3? (and Why It Matters)

Python is the go-to programming language for many developers. It is widely used for scripting and automation, as well as for data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and web development. But if you’re just getting started with Python, you may be wondering whether you should learn Python 2 or Python 3. Here’s a look at the key differences between the two versions and why it matters.


The most significant difference between Python 2 and 3 has to do with syntax – the way commands are written. In Python 2, print was treated as a keyword, while in Python 3 it is a function. This means that in Python 3, you need to use parentheses around what you want to print. Additionally, with Python 3 you can use the new modern “underscore” style of indentation, instead of the more traditional “indent by 4 spaces” style used in Python 2.


Python 3 also has more up-to-date libraries than Python 2. While Python 2 has libraries from the year 2000, Python 3 has libraries from the present day. This means that in Python 3, you can use code that’s been developed more recently and is more likely to be compatible with the latest systems and technologies.


Python 3 is also considered to have better security than Python 2. This is because Python 3 makes it easier to prevent cross-site scripting attacks and other forms of malicious input. Additionally, Python 3 also has more secure defaults when it comes to things like file permissions, which can help protect your data.


Overall, Python 3 is the better choice for most use cases. It has a more modern syntax, more up-to-date libraries, and better security features. That said, if you’re working with legacy systems or projects that were built specifically for Python 2, then you may need to stick with version 2. But for most newer projects, learning Python 3 is the way to go.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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