Unlock the Benefits of an IoT-Based Solar Tracker

14 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 µC - µP

IoT-based Solar Tracker System

As the solar energy industry continues to grow and evolve, it has become increasingly important to maximize the potential of solar installations. One way to do this is with an IoT-based solar tracker system.

An IoT-based solar tracker system works by tracking the sun's path and automatically adjusting a solar panel array to maximize its output. This system is typically composed of several components that work together to provide optimal sunlight collection. The primary components are the solar panel tracker, controller, and sensors. The tracker uses sensors to detect the sun's position and adjust the panel array accordingly. The controller then communicates with the solar panels to ensure they are pointed in the right direction. Finally, sensors monitor the environment (such as wind speed and temperature) to ensure the optimal settings are maintained.

The benefits of an IoT-based solar tracker system are numerous. The biggest advantage is that the system can maximize the amount of sunlight that is absorbed by the solar panels, resulting in greater efficiency. Additionally, the system can help reduce costs associated with installation, maintenance, and repair, as well as improve reliability. Finally, it can help protect the environment by reducing the amount of energy needed to run a solar installation.

If you are considering investing in a solar installation, an IoT-based solar tracker system is a great choice. By maximizing efficiency and reducing costs, this system can help you get the most out of your solar energy investment.

Here's an example of how to build an Internet of Things (IoT)-based solar tracker using an Arduino, a Wi-Fi module, a servo motor, and light sensors.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Arduino Uno or similar microcontroller board
  • Wi-Fi module (e.g. ESP8266 or ESP32)
  • Servo motor
  • Two light sensors (e.g. photocells)
  • Breadboard and jumper wires

Software Requirements:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Adafruit Servo library
  • ESP8266WiFi library

Here are the steps to build and program the solar tracker:

  1. Connect the servo motor to the Arduino board. Connect the power (red) wire to the 5V pin on the board, the ground (black) wire to the GND pin, and the signal (orange or yellow) wire to one of the PWM pins (e.g. pin 9).

  2. Connect the two light sensors to the board. Connect one sensor to an analog input pin (e.g. A0) and the other to another analog input pin (e.g. A1). Connect the positive (red) wire of each sensor to the 5V pin and the negative (black) wire to the GND pin.

  3. Connect the Wi-Fi module to the board. Connect the TX pin of the module to the RX pin on the board, and the RX pin of the module to the TX pin on the board. Connect the power (VCC) and ground (GND) pins of the module to the appropriate pins on the board.

  4. Write the Arduino code to read the values from the two light sensors, calculate the difference between them, and move the servo motor accordingly. Here's an example code:

#include <Servo.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid = "Your SSID";
const char* password = "Your Password";
const char* host = "Your Server Address";

int lightPin1 = A0;
int lightPin2 = A1;
int servoPin = 9;
int servoPos = 90;

Servo servo;

void setup() {
  pinMode(lightPin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(lightPin2, INPUT);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");

void loop() {
  int lightVal1 = analogRead(lightPin1);
  int lightVal2 = analogRead(lightPin2);
  int diff = lightVal1 - lightVal2;
  int angle = map(diff, -1023, 1023, -90, 90);
  servo.write(servoPos + angle);

void sendToServer(int angle) {
  WiFiClient client;
  if (!client.connect(host, 80)) {
    Serial.println("Connection failed");
  String url = "/update?value=" + String(angle);
  client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
               "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
  1. Upload the code to the Arduino board.

  2. Set up a web server to receive the angle values from the solar tracker. You can use a cloud-based service like AWS or Google Cloud Platform, or set up your own server using a Raspberry Pi or similar device. The server should listen for incoming requests on a specific port and store the

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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