Making the Switch from JavaScript to TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Making the Switch from JavaScript to TypeScript

The popularity of TypeScript is growing rapidly, and many developers are making the switch from JavaScript to TypeScript. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, making the switch can open up new and exciting opportunities. Here’s everything you need to know to make the transition.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a statically-typed superset of JavaScript that compiles into plain JavaScript code that runs in any browser or any host. It includes features like optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and much more. By using TypeScript, developers can create code that is easier to read, maintain, and debug.

Advantages of TypeScript

  • TypeScript provides better code organization by allowing developers to group related functions and objects together.
  • TypeScript makes debugging code easier because it can detect common errors at compile time, rather than having to wait until runtime.
  • TypeScript allows developers to use object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, interfaces, and inheritance, which can help improve code readability and maintainability.
  • TypeScript can be used with both client-side and server-side development, so you can use it to develop for web or mobile applications.

Making the Transition from JavaScript to TypeScript

Making the switch from JavaScript to TypeScript isn’t a difficult process, but it does require a bit of knowledge and practice. Here are some tips to help you make the transition:

  • Start by familiarizing yourself with the syntax and features of TypeScript. Spend some time exploring the documentation and experimenting with the language.
  • Start by writing small programs in TypeScript. This will help you get used to the syntax and all the features that are available.
  • Once you’re comfortable with the basics, start porting your existing JavaScript code over to TypeScript. This will allow you to gradually transition to TypeScript without having to rewrite all your existing code.
  • Finally, if you’re planning on using TypeScript in a project, set up a build system to compile your TypeScript code into JavaScript before deploying to production.


Making the switch from JavaScript to TypeScript can help you write better code and open up opportunities in a wide array of sectors. With the right approach and a little bit of practice, you can quickly become a TypeScript pro.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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