Mastering TypeScript Classes and Modules

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

What Are TypeScript Classes and Modules?

TypeScript Classes and Modules are two of the most powerful features that TypeScript offers to developers. Classes and modules provide developers with a way to create structured code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain.

What Are TypeScript Classes?

A TypeScript class is a template for creating objects with specific characteristics. It defines the structure of an object and its behavior. Classes contain methods, which are functions that can be used to work with the objects. Classes also contain properties, which are variables that store data related to an object.

In TypeScript, classes are declared using the “class” keyword. This creates a new type that can be used to create objects. Properties and methods are defined inside the class definition using the same syntax as in JavaScript.

What Are TypeScript Modules?

TypeScript modules are self-contained units of code that are used to organize larger applications. They are similar to libraries or packages and allow developers to easily reuse code without having to duplicate it. Modules help to keep applications organized by containing related code. They also help to reduce complexity by allowing developers to break large projects into smaller, more manageable parts. Modules can be imported into other pieces of code, making them highly reusable.

In TypeScript, modules are declared using the “module” keyword. Modules are made up of different types of elements such as imports, declarations, functions, classes, and exports. These elements are used to group related functionality together. Exports are used to make elements of a module available for other modules to use.


TypeScript Classes and Modules are powerful tools that enable developers to create structured, organized, and maintainable code. Classes define the structure and behavior of objects, whereas modules allow developers to group related code and make it reusable. With these tools, developers can create applications that are easier to read, understand, and maintain.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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