Master the Basics of Measuring Light & Color with Arduino Programming

13 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 µC - µP

Measuring Light & Color with Arduino Programming

If you're a hobbyist or engineer looking to measure light and color with an Arduino, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll discuss how to use an Arduino to measure light and color. We'll also cover some of the best sensors and components for the job, as well as the code needed to get started.

Components & Sensors

When it comes to measuring light and color with Arduino, there are a few different components and sensors that can be used. The most common are light-to-voltage (LTV) sensors, which measure light intensity, and light-to-frequency (LTF) sensors, which measure light color. Light-dependent resistors (LDRs) are also popular for simple applications.

Code for Measuring Light

In order to measure light intensity using an LTV sensor, the following code can be used. This code reads the voltage output from the sensor and converts it into a value from 0 to 100, which is then printed out on the serial monitor:

#include <math.h>

float voltage;
float light_intensity;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  voltage = analogRead(A0);
  light_intensity = map (voltage, 0, 1023, 0, 100);

Code for Measuring Color

In order to measure light color using an LTF sensor, the following code can be used. This code reads the frequency output from the sensor and converts it into a value from 0 to 100, which is then printed out on the serial monitor:

#include <TimerOne.h>

int frequency;
int light_color;

void timerIsr()
  frequency =;
  light_color = map (frequency, 0, 65535, 0, 100);

void setup()

void loop()


As we have seen, measuring light and color with an Arduino is quite simple. With the right components and code, you can quickly and accurately measure light intensity and color. Have fun experimenting!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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