Unlock the Potential of Your Website with a Comprehensive Mobile-Friendliness Report & Backlink Analysis from Electro4U.net

14 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

A Comprehensive Guide to Google Search Console Mobile-Friendliness Report

Google’s Search Console is an essential tool for SEOs and website owners alike. It’s an incredibly powerful platform that can help you monitor, understand and identify problems with your website. One of the most important reports available in Search Console is the mobile-friendliness report. This guide will explain what the mobile-friendliness report is, how to access it, and how to interpret the data within.

What is a Mobile-Friendliness Report?

The mobile-friendliness report in Google Search Console allows you to check the overall mobile-friendliness of your website. It will highlight any potential issues that could prevent your site from being indexed and ranked properly in search engine results pages (SERPs). The report includes information about the text size, touch elements, viewport configuration, content viewability, and more.

How to Access Your Mobile-Friendliness Report

To access your mobile-friendliness report, log in to your Search Console account and click the “Search Appearance” tab in the left-hand menu. From there, select the “Mobile usability” option under the “Acuity” heading. This will open up the main mobile-friendliness report where you can see any errors or warnings related to your website.

Interpreting Your Mobile-Friendliness Report

Your mobile-friendliness report will contain a variety of data that can be difficult to interpret. To help you understand the data better, here are some of the key points to look out for:

  • Text size. Ensure that your text is rendered at a readable size on devices with varying screen sizes. Text that is too small can be difficult to read and cause usability problems.
  • Touch elements. Make sure that all touch elements are sized correctly and spaced apart in order to prevent accidental clicks.
  • Viewport configuration. Ensure that your viewport configuration is optimized for mobile devices by using media queries.
  • Content viewability. Make sure that users can easily find and read your content on their devices by using appropriate font sizes and colors.

By monitoring and optimizing the factors mentioned above, you’ll be able to ensure that your website is as mobile-friendly as possible.


The mobile-friendliness report in Google Search Console is a valuable tool for website owners and SEOs. It allows you to identify and fix any potential mobile usability issues that could prevent your site from being indexed and ranked correctly in SERPs. By understanding and optimising the factors outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to ensure that your website is as friendly as possible for mobile users.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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