Program Your 8x8 LED Matrix Using Arduino

12 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 µC - µP

Programming 8x8 LED Matrix using Arduino

An 8x8 LED Matrix is a beautiful display module that can be used to create awesome designs and animation. The programming of this module is not complicated if you have basic knowledge of Arduino and C++. This tutorial will explain all the steps required to program an 8x8 LED Matrix module with an Arduino.

Step 1: Prepare the Components

Before you start to work, make sure you have the following components prepared:

  • Arduino board
  • 8x8 LED Matrix
  • Maximum of 24 Digital pins for the connection of the LEDs
  • Five-volt power supply

Step 2: Connect the Modules

Begin by connecting the 8x8 LED matrix with the Arduino board. Connect the connections as shown below in the image:

Picture showing connection of 8x8 LED Matrix and Arduino board

Step 3: Upload the Program to the Arduino Board

Now you need to upload your code to the Arduino board. Here are the steps:

  • Open the Arduino IDE.
  • Create a new sketch and paste the above code.
  • Upload the code to the Arduino board.

Step 4: Test and Make Improvents

Once you’ve uploaded the code, you can test it to see the output. If you have any suggestions or changes to make, then you can just edit and upload the code again into the Arduino board.

And that’s it! You have successfully programmed an 8x8 LED matrix using Arduino. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Here is a sample Arduino code for programming an 8x8 LED matrix:

// Define the LED matrix pins
#define DIN_PIN 11
#define CS_PIN 10
#define CLK_PIN 9

// Define the matrix width and height
#define MATRIX_WIDTH 8

// Define the matrix data
byte matrixData[MATRIX_HEIGHT] = {

void setup() {
  pinMode(DIN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);

void loop() {
  for (int row = 0; row < MATRIX_HEIGHT; row++) {
    digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
    SPI.transfer(1 << row);
    digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);

This code uses the SPI library to control an 8x8 LED matrix connected to the Arduino. The LED matrix is defined by MATRIX_WIDTH and MATRIX_HEIGHT, and the LED matrix pins are defined by DIN_PIN, CS_PIN, and CLK_PIN.

In the setup() function, the code initializes the LED matrix pins and the SPI communication. The SPI bit order, data mode, and clock divider are set.

In the loop() function, the code loops through each row of the LED matrix and sends the corresponding data to the matrix. The digitalWrite function is used to set the CS_PIN low, and the SPI.transfer function is used to send the row and data information. The digitalWrite function is then used to set the CS_PIN high, and a delay of 1 millisecond is added before moving on to the next row.

In the loop() function, the code loops through each row of the LED matrix and sends the corresponding data to the matrix. The digitalWrite function is used to set the CS_PIN low, and the SPI.transfer function is used to send the row and data information. The digitalWrite function is then used to set the CS_PIN high, and a delay of 1 millisecond is added before moving on to the next row.

Note that this code provides a basic framework for programming an 8x8 LED matrix and may require modifications to suit specific needs. For example, the matrixData array can be modified to display different patterns or animations. Additionally, more advanced functionality can be added to control brightness, color, and other parameters of the LED matrix.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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