Get Started With Python Subprocess in Minutes - A Simple Tutorial for Beginners (2023)

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Introduction to Python Subprocess: The Simple Beginner’s Tutorial (2023)

Python subprocess is a powerful module that allows you to create an instance of another Python program within your current program. It is a great way to run scripts and automate everyday tasks. In this tutorial, we will go over the basics of Python subprocess and how to use it in Python development.

What Is a Python Subprocess?

A Python subprocess is an instance of another Python process. It is a great way to run scripts and automate everyday tasks. It works by creating an instance of the process in memory and executing it as a separate process. This process can then be used to send data to and from your program.

What Are the Benefits of Using Python Subprocess?

Using Python subprocess offers several advantages. First, it allows you to separate code into different sections. Each section can then be run independently and easily combined into one larger program. This helps with debugging and code organization. Second, using Python subprocess means that you don’t have to open multiple windows or tabs to run multiple scripts at the same time.

How Do I Use Python Subprocess?

Using Python subprocess is relatively simple. To start, we need to create a subprocess object. This object is created with the subprocess.Popen() method. We can then use the object to execute commands, read output from the command, and write input to the command. Finally, we can control the execution of the process with the .wait() and .poll() methods, as well as use the .communicate() method to send inputs and read outputs from the subprocess.


Python subprocess is a powerful module that allows you to create an instance of another Python program within your current program. It is a great way to run scripts and automate everyday tasks. In this tutorial, we discussed the basics of Python subprocess, what are the benefits of using it, and how to use it in Python development. With this information, you should now have all the necessary knowledge to get started using Python subprocess.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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