Python Turtle's Psychedelic Spirals: A Mesmerizing Coding Adventure | animation -1

27 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Python

Paint the Screen with Python: A Beginner's Guide to Colorful Spiral Art

Full Source Code

import turtle  #importing The turtle library, 
t = turtle.Turtle()   #creating The turtle object, named as t
s = turtle.Screen()   #creating The screen object, named as s
s.bgcolor("black")  # Setting the background color to black
t.width(1)  #setting the width of the turtle's pen to 1 pixel
t.speed(0)  #setting the turtle's speed to the fastest level (0).

colors = ('magenta', 'yellow', 'green')  #Creating the List of colors  turtle will use for drawing.

for i in range(500):  #starting the loop that will repeat 500 times
    t.pencolor(colors[i % 3])  # setting the turtle's pen color to the next color in the colors list
    t.forward(i * 2)  # moves the turtle forward a distance of i * 2  for increasing length
    t.right(121)  # turns the turtle to the right by 121 degrees,

turtle.done()  # keeps the turtle window open until it's manually closed

Breakdown of the code:

1. Importing the Turtle Library:

  • import turtle: This line imports the turtle library, which provides tools for creating graphics and animations using a virtual turtle.

2. Creating a Turtle and Screen:

  • t = turtle.Turtle(): This creates a new turtle object, named t, that will be used to draw lines.
  • s = turtle.Screen(): This creates a screen object, named s, where the turtle will draw.

3. Setting Background and Turtle Properties:

  • s.bgcolor("black"): This sets the background color of the screen to black.
  • t.width(1): This sets the width of the turtle's pen to 1 pixel, creating thin lines.
  • t.speed(0): This sets the turtle's speed to the fastest level (0).

4. Defining a Color List:

  • colors = ('magenta', 'yellow', 'green'): This creates a list of colors that the turtle will use for drawing.

5. Drawing a Spiral Pattern:

  • for i in range(500): This starts a loop that will repeat 500 times.
    • t.pencolor(colors[i % 3]): This sets the turtle's pen color to the next color in the colors list, cycling through magenta, yellow, and green repeatedly.
    • t.forward(i * 2): This moves the turtle forward a distance of i * 2, creating lines that grow longer with each iteration.
    • t.right(121): This turns the turtle to the right by 121 degrees, creating a spiral pattern.

6. Keeping the Window Open:

  • turtle.done(): This keeps the turtle window open until it's manually closed, allowing you to view the final drawing.


Summary: This code creates a visually appealing spiral pattern with colorful lines on a black background. It achieves this by using the turtle library to control the turtle's movement, color, and speed, while iterating through a loop to generate the spiral shape.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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