Introduction to Racket Programming With

18 Aug 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Racket programming language

Welcome to the World of Racket Programming!

Racket is a powerful language for computer programming. It is a member of the Lisp family of languages, providing a wide range of powerful features and tools that allow programmers to quickly build robust applications. Racket has been used to create a number of commercial products, academic research projects, and open source software.

Racket is designed to be an easy language to learn and use. Even novice programmers can quickly get up and running with Racket. Its simple yet powerful syntax allows you to quickly write programs that are both concise and effective. Racket provides a wide range of powerful features such as multi-threading and macros, allowing programmers to easily build impressive applications.

This guide will provide an introduction to Racket programming, from the basics of setting up your development environment, to writing your first program, to diving deeper into the language's features.

Getting Started with Racket Programming

To get started with Racket programming, you'll need to install the Racket platform on your computer. This can be done in just a few minutes. You can find instructions on how to install Racket on your system here:

Once you've installed Racket, you'll be ready to start writing code. To do so, you'll need to open a text editor (like Notepad or TextEdit) and type the following code:

#lang racket

This tells the text editor to use the Racket programming language. The next step is to write some code. For our first example, let's make a program that prints "Hello, world!"

(display "Hello, world!")

Now, save the file as "hello-world.rkt". Then, open the file in Racket. You should see "Hello, world!" printed in the console window.

Exploring Racket Programming Features

Once you've gotten the basics of Racket programming down, you can start exploring some of the language's more advanced features. Racket has a number of powerful features that make it a great language for programming, such as its support for macros, multiple-threading, and functional programming. To learn more about these topics, check out the official Racket documentation here:


Racket is a powerful and versatile language for computer programming. Its simple yet powerful syntax allows programmers to quickly build powerful applications. With its wide range of features and tools, Racket makes it easy to create robust and efficient programs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, Racket offers something for everyone.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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