Runtime polymorphism in c++

01 Mar 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C++

Runtime polymorphism in C++

Runtime polymorphism is a feature of object-oriented programming that allows objects of different types to respond to the same message in different ways. It is achieved using virtual functions and function overriding.

Virtual functions are member functions that are declared in the base class using the keyword virtual. When a virtual function is called on an object, the compiler determines which function to call based on the type of the object at runtime. This is known as dynamic binding.

Function overriding occurs when a derived class redefines a virtual function from its base class. When a virtual function is called on an object of a derived class, the compiler will call the overridden function from the derived class, if it exists.

Runtime polymorphism allows us to write more flexible and reusable code. For example, we can create a base class for animals, and then derive classes for different types of animals, such as dogs, cats, and birds. We can then declare a virtual function in the base class for making a sound, and then override this function in each derived class to implement the specific sound that each type of animal makes.


class Animal {
  virtual void makeSound() = 0;

class Dog : public Animal {
  void makeSound() override {
    std::cout << "Woof!" << std::endl;

class Cat : public Animal {
  void makeSound() override {
    std::cout << "Meow!" << std::endl;

int main() {
  Animal* animal = new Dog();
  animal->makeSound(); // Prints "Woof!"

  animal = new Cat();
  animal->makeSound(); // Prints "Meow!"

  delete animal;

  return 0;

The output of the given programming is:



In this example, the makeSound() function is a virtual function in the Animal base class. The Dog and Cat derived classes override the makeSound() function to implement their own specific sounds.

When we create an Animal pointer and assign it to a Dog object, the makeSound() function that is called will be the makeSound() function from the Dog class, even though the pointer is of type Animal. This is because the compiler performs dynamic binding and calls the overridden function from the derived class.

Runtime polymorphism is a powerful feature of C++ that allows us to write more flexible and reusable code. It is used in many different types of applications, such as graphical user interfaces, games, and database systems.

Point of page design

When designing a page about runtime polymorphism in C++, it is important to consider the following points:

  • Target audience: Who is the page for? Is it for beginners, experienced programmers, or both?
  • Purpose of the page: What do you want the reader to learn from the page?
  • Content: What topics will you cover on the page?
  • Structure: How will you organize the content on the page?
  • Visual design: How will you use images, diagrams, and other visuals to make the page more engaging and informative?

Here is a possible outline for a page about runtime polymorphism in C++:

  • Introduction: What is runtime polymorphism? Why is it useful?
  • Virtual functions: How to declare and use virtual functions.
  • Function overriding: How to override virtual functions in derived classes.
  • Example: A simple example of runtime polymorphism in C++.
  • Benefits of runtime polymorphism: The benefits of using runtime polymorphism in your code.
  • Conclusion: Summary of the key points about runtime polymorphism.

You may also want to include additional sections on the page, such as:

  • Common pitfalls: Common mistakes that programmers make when using runtime polymorphism.
  • FAQ: A section to answer frequently asked questions about runtime polymorphism.
  • Resources: Links to other resources where readers can learn more about runtime polymorphism.

The visual design of the page should be clear and concise, with plenty of white space to make the text easy to read. You may want to use images and diagrams to illustrate the concepts that you are discussing.


Overall, the goal of the page should be to provide readers with a comprehensive and informative overview of runtime polymorphism in C++.


Further Reading:

For further information and examples, Please visit[ course in production]

Note: If you encounter any issues or specific errors when running this program, please let me know and I'll be happy to help debug them!



BY: Balmiki Mandal

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