How to Setup Julia on Jupyter Notebook

19 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Julia programming language

From Zero to Jupyter: Julia Configuration Made Easy

Setting up Julia on Jupyter Notebook involves a few steps.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Install Julia:

First, you need to download and install Julia. You can get the latest version from the official Julia website:

Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

2. Install Jupyter:

Make sure you have Jupyter installed. If not, you can install it using the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install jupyter

3. Start Julia REPL:

Open a Julia REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) in your terminal or command prompt. You can do this by typing julia and pressing Enter.

4. Install the IJulia package:

Inside the Julia REPL, install the IJulia package. This package allows Julia to work with Jupyter notebooks.

using Pkg

5. Launch Jupyter Notebook:

After installing the IJulia package, you can launch Jupyter Notebook by typing the following in the Julia REPL:

using IJulia

This will open a new tab in your web browser with the Jupyter Notebook interface.

6. Create a new Julia notebook:

In the Jupyter Notebook interface, click on "New" and select "Julia" under the "Notebook" section. This will create a new Jupyter notebook with Julia as the kernel.

7. Test the Julia notebook:

In the newly created notebook, you can test your Julia setup by running some Julia code cells.

# Test code
println("Hello, Julia on Jupyter!")

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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