Maximizing Efficiency with Single Assert Calls for Multiple Properties in Java Unit Testing

06 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

Single Assert Call for Multiple Properties in Java Unit Testing

For Java unit testing, having an assert call for each property of a class can become overwhelming and time consuming. Luckily, there are ways to easily test multiple properties with a single assert call.

One way to achieve this is to use the built-in Java reflection API. Reflection allows a program to inspect itself at runtime, and it can be leveraged to access the properties of an object. The code snippet below shows an example of a method that uses reflection to verify the values of multiple properties from a given object:

public void assertPropertiesEqual(Object expected, Object actual)
    throws IllegalAccessException {
    Class<?> clazz = expected.getClass();
    Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();

    // Loop over all fields
    for (Field field : fields) {
        String propertyName = field.getName();
        Object expectedValue = field.get(expected);
        Object actualValue = field.get(actual);

        Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue,
            String.format("Property %s does not match", propertyName));

This method takes two objects as parameters and iterates over all of their declared fields. If a field is marked as private, it will still be accessible as the code sets field.setAccessible(true). After this, the code compares each field's value between the expected and actual objects. In case the values are different, an AssertionError is thrown with a message indicating the property that failed.

While this approach can be useful when all fields need to be tested, it can lead to some redundant assertions due to the fact that all fields will be tested regardless of their importance. A better option would be to explicitly define which properties to check instead of blindly looping over all fields.

This can be accomplished by using the @AssertProperty annotation to annotate the fields to be verified. This annotation can have a name parameter to give the property a meaningful name for the error message. Then, a generic assertPropertiesEqual method can be created as follows:

public void assertPropertiesEqual(Object expected, Object actual)
    throws IllegalAccessException {
    Class<?> clazz = expected.getClass();
    Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();

    // Loop over all fields
    for (Field field : fields) {
        AssertProperty annotation = field.getAnnotation(AssertProperty.class);
        if (annotation != null) {
            String propertyName =;
            Object expectedValue = field.get(expected);
            Object actualValue = field.get(actual);

            Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue,
                String.format("Property %s does not match", propertyName));

Now, this method will only check the fields marked with the @AssertProperty annotation, making it much easier to read and maintain. It also makes it easy to add or remove properties to the verification without breaking existing code.

To summarize, leveraging the power of reflection and annotations can make it possible to test multiple properties with one assert call in Java. This can make unit tests much more organized, understandable and maintainable.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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