Understanding Automatic and Register Storage Classes in C

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Kumar 0 C Programming

Understanding Automatic and Register Storage Classes in C


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Automatic and Register storage classes in the C programming language. This page is designed to give you a clear understanding of these two fundamental concepts, their purpose, and how they affect the behavior of variables in your C programs.

Automatic Storage Class



The Automatic storage class, also known as auto, is the default storage class for all local variables in C. Variables declared with this storage class are stored in the stack memory and their scope is limited to the block or function in which they are defined.


The scope of automatic variables is limited to the block or function in which they are declared. They are not accessible outside of this scope.


The lifetime of automatic variables is limited to the duration of the block in which they are defined. Once the block is exited, the memory occupied by these variables is automatically deallocated.


void example_function() {
    auto int num = 10;
    // 'num' is an automatic variable.
    // Its scope and lifetime are limited to this function.

Register Storage Class


The Register storage class, denoted by the keyword register, is used to request the compiler to store a variable in a CPU register for faster access. However, it's important to note that the compiler is not obliged to honor this request.


The purpose of using the register storage class is to optimize the performance of critical operations by reducing the access time to the variable.


  • Variables declared as register cannot have their address taken with the & operator.
  • The compiler may choose to ignore the register keyword.


void register_example() {
    register int x = 5;
    // 'x' is a register variable, which may be stored in a CPU register for faster access.


Key Differences

Memory Allocation

  • Automatic variables are stored in the stack memory.
  • Register variables are stored in CPU registers (if the compiler honors the request).

Access Speed

  • Accessing register variables is generally faster than accessing automatic variables due to the speed of CPU registers.

Usage Recommendations

  • Use automatic variables for most situations.
  • Use register variables only for critical performance optimization when you are sure it will make a noticeable difference.

Best Practices

When to Use Automatic Storage Class

  • For most local variables within functions.
  • When the variable's value needs to persist only within the scope of the block or function.

When to Use Register Storage Class

  • In rare cases where performance is critical, and you are certain that using a register variable will make a significant difference.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Requesting too many variables to be stored in registers. This can lead to inefficient use of resources.

Short summerise of Automatic storage class:

  • Storage             : Main memory.
  • Default value   : Garbage value.
  • Scope               : Local to the block in which the variable is defined.
  • Lifetime           : Till control remain withiun the block

Short summerise of Register storage class:

  • Storage          :    CPU registers.
  • Default value :garbage value.
  • Scope            :   local to the block in which the variable is defined.
  • Lifetime          :  till control remains withiun the block.

For further information and examples, Please visit C-Programming From Scratch to Advanced 2023-2024


In this guide, we've explored the Automatic and Register storage classes in C. Understanding when and how to use them can lead to more efficient and optimized code.


BY: Balmiki Kumar

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