Create Your Radio Station with The Best iOS 15 SwiftUI Radio App Template

19 Jul 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Swift Programming

 iOS 15 SwiftUI Radio App Template step by step:

This guide will walk you through building a basic radio app using SwiftUI and an iOS App Template in Xcode.


  • A Mac computer with Xcode installed (version 13 or later recommended for iOS 15 development).
  • Basic understanding of Swift programming and SwiftUI concepts.


  1. Create a New Project:

    • Open Xcode and select "Create a new Xcode project."
    • Choose "App" from the project template options.
    • In the product details section, enter a name for your app (e.g., "My Radio App"), select your desired team (if applicable), and choose the appropriate language (Swift).
    • Under "Interfaces," ensure "SwiftUI App" is selected.
    • Click "Next" and choose a directory to save your project.
  2. Add the AVPlayer and Networking Dependencies:

    • Go to Xcode menu bar -> "Product" -> "Scheme" -> "Edit Scheme..."
    • Select the "Run" section and then the "Options" tab.
    • Under "Enable Metal for Debugging," choose "No."
    • Go to the "General" tab and click the "+" button under "Embedded Frameworks."
    • Search for "AVFoundation" and "CoreMedia" frameworks and add them to your project.
  3. Define the Radio Stream URL:

    • Open the "ContentView.swift" file in your project directory.
    • Declare a constant string variable to hold the URL of your desired radio stream. For example:
    let radioURL = URL(string: "")!
  4. Create the AVPlayer Instance:

    • Inside the ContentView struct, declare a state variable of type AVPlayer? to hold the audio player instance.
    @State private var player: AVPlayer?
  5. Implement the Play/Pause Button:

    • In the body of the ContentView struct, create a button with an appropriate label (e.g., "Play" or "Pause").
    • Use an if statement to conditionally change the button label and functionality based on the player state.
    • When the button is tapped:
      • If no player exists, create a new one using the defined radio URL.
      • If the player is playing, pause it. Otherwise, start playing it.
    Button(player?.timeControlStatus == .playing ? "Pause" : "Play") {
        if player == nil {
            player = AVPlayer(url: radioURL)
        if player?.timeControlStatus == .playing {
        } else {
  6. Add Optional Progress Bar (Optional):

    • You can add a progress bar to visually represent the playback progress. Use an AVPlayerViewController or a custom progress bar implementation based on the AVPlayer's current time and duration.
  7. Run and Test the App:

    • Connect your iPhone or simulator to your Mac.
    • Click the "play" button in Xcode to run the app on the device/simulator.
    • Tap the "Play" button in the app to start playing the radio stream.

Additional Notes:

  • This is a basic example. You can enhance the app by adding features like volume control, displaying song information (if available), and handling playback errors gracefully.
  • Remember to replace the placeholder radio URL with the actual URL of the station you want to listen to.
  • Ensure the radio station you choose allows streaming and complies with any legal requirements.

This guide provides a starting point for building your own radio app using SwiftUI. You can further customize and improve it based on your specific needs and creativity.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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