Understanding Timer Counting in 8051 Microcontroller

07 Feb 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 8051 micro-controller

The Timer Counts in 8051

The 8051 microcontroller is a versatile and widely used microcontroller in embedded systems. One of its key features is its integrated timers, which provide precise timing capabilities for various applications. Here, we'll delve into how the timer counts in the 8051 microcontroller.

Timer Modes

The 8051 microcontroller has two timers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. Each timer can operate in different modes:

  1. Mode 0 (13-bit Timer): Timer 0 can be configured in Mode 0, where it is a 13-bit timer/counter. This means it can count from 0 to 8191 before rolling over.

  2. Mode 1 (16-bit Timer): In this mode, Timer 0 can operate as a 16-bit timer/counter. It can count from 0 to 65535 before rolling over.

  3. Mode 2 (8-bit Timer with Auto-Reload): Timer 1 can be set in Mode 2, acting as an 8-bit timer/counter with auto-reload. This mode is useful for generating accurate time delays.

  4. Mode 3 (Split Timer): Timer 1 can also be configured in Mode 3, which separates the timer into two 8-bit registers, TH1 and TL1. This allows for more precise control over the timer's values.

Timer Control Registers

The functioning of the timers is controlled through specific registers:

  1. TCON (Timer Control Register): This register is used to control the timers, including starting, stopping, and configuring their modes.

  2. TMOD (Timer Mode Register): TMOD is used to set the mode of operation for both Timer 0 and Timer 1.

  3. TH0, TL0, TH1, TL1 (Timer Registers): These registers hold the high and low bytes of the timers, allowing for precise control over their counts.

Timer Interrupts

The timers in the 8051 can be configured to generate interrupts when they overflow. This feature is invaluable in applications where precise timing is critical.


The timer functionality in the 8051 microcontroller finds applications in various fields, including:

  • Real-time Clocks: The timers can be used to keep track of time in applications where an accurate clock is necessary.

  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): By utilizing the timers, the 8051 can generate PWM signals for applications like motor control.

  • Delay Generation: Timers are frequently used to generate precise time delays in embedded systems.

  • Communication Protocols: Timers play a crucial role in generating baud rates for serial communication.

The Timer Counts______________.

  • External clock pulse
  • internal clock pulse
  • clock pulses generated by the CPU
  • clock pulse is  given by end-user

ANS> internal clock pulse


Understanding how the timer counts in the 8051 microcontroller is fundamental for developing accurate and time-critical embedded systems. Whether it's for generating time delays, controlling motors, or implementing communication protocols, the timers are a cornerstone of the 8051's capabilities.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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