what is timer in 8051

07 Feb 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 8051 micro-controller

Understanding Timers in 8051 Microcontrollers

Timers play a crucial role in the functioning of microcontrollers, including the widely used 8051 microcontroller. They provide a means of accurately measuring time intervals and generating precise timing events. Let's delve into what timers are and how they function within the 8051 architecture.

What is a Timer?

A timer is a specialized component within a microcontroller that counts or measures time intervals. It's an essential tool for tasks that require precise timing, such as generating delays, controlling motors, or capturing external events.

Timers in 8051 Microcontroller

The 8051 microcontroller, a popular choice in embedded systems, features two 16-bit timers: Timer 0 and Timer 1. These timers can be programmed to operate in different modes, allowing for a wide range of timing applications.

Timer Modes

The 8051 microcontroller offers various timer modes, including:

  1. Mode 0 (13-bit Timer): Timer 0 operates as a 13-bit timer/counter, allowing it to count up to 8191 before overflowing.

  2. Mode 1 (16-bit Timer): Timer 1 functions as a 16-bit timer/counter, providing a range of 0 to 65535 counts.

  3. Mode 2 (8-bit Auto-Reload): Timer 0 operates as an 8-bit timer that automatically reloads the initial value after overflowing.

  4. Mode 3 (Split Timer): Timer 1 operates as two independent 8-bit timers, TL1 and TH1.

Timer Control Register

Each timer in the 8051 is controlled by a specific register known as the Timer Control Register (TCON). This register allows you to start, stop, and configure the timer according to your specific requirements.

Timer Programming

Programming timers in the 8051 involves setting the appropriate mode, configuring the control register, and managing the overflow events. This allows for precise control over timing intervals.

Applications of Timers

Timers find applications in various domains, such as:

  • Delay Generation: Timers are used to introduce controlled delays in program execution.
  • PWM Generation: They're essential for generating Pulse Width Modulation signals for motor control and other applications.
  • Event Counting: Timers can be employed to count external events, providing valuable data for tasks like speed measurement.

In the 8051, one tick of timer is equal to_________

  • 1 clock cycle
  • 1 machine cycle
  • 5 state
  • None of above 

Ans> 1 machine cycle


Timers are indispensable components of microcontroller systems, enabling accurate time measurement and event generation. Understanding how to utilize timers effectively can significantly enhance the capabilities of the 8051 microcontroller in a wide range of applications.

For further guidance on programming and utilizing timers in the 8051 microcontroller, refer to the specific documentation and resources provided by the manufacturer.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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