UART data-tarnsfer in 8051

07 Feb 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 8051 micro-controller

UART Data Transfer in 8051 Microcontroller

The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is a crucial component in microcontroller-based systems, enabling communication between the microcontroller and external devices. In the case of the 8051 microcontroller, UART plays a vital role in facilitating serial data transmission and reception.

Understanding UART in 8051

  1. UART Basics:

    • The UART module in the 8051 is responsible for serial communication using a protocol that does not require the sender and receiver to be synchronized in time.
  2. Hardware Configuration:

    • The 8051 typically contains a hardware UART block that simplifies serial communication. It consists of shift registers, a baud rate generator, and control logic.
  3. Baud Rate and Bit Configuration:

    • Baud rate refers to the speed of data transmission, measured in bits per second (bps). It needs to be configured on both the transmitter and receiver for successful communication.
  4. Data Format:

    • The UART in 8051 supports a variety of data formats, including the number of data bits, parity bit, and stop bits. These settings must match on both sides of the communication link.
  5. Transmission Process:

    • When sending data, the UART converts parallel data from the microcontroller into serial data, appending start, data, parity, and stop bits. This serial data is then transmitted sequentially.
  6. Reception Process:

    • The UART at the receiving end reverses this process, converting the incoming serial data back into parallel data for the microcontroller to process.

Implementing UART Communication

  1. Initializing UART:

    • To enable UART communication on the 8051, the baud rate, data format, and other relevant settings must be configured in both the transmitter and receiver.
  2. Sending Data:

    • To transmit data, the microcontroller writes it to the UART's data register. The UART module then handles the conversion to serial form and initiates transmission.
  3. Receiving Data:

    • When data is received, the UART module stores it in a buffer. The microcontroller can then read this data from the buffer.

Practical Applications

  1. Serial Communication with Peripherals:

    • UART is commonly used to communicate with a wide range of peripherals, including GPS modules, GSM modules, and Bluetooth modules.
  2. PC Communication:

    • The 8051 microcontroller can communicate with a PC via a UART-to-USB converter, allowing for data exchange between the microcontroller and a computer.

The UART data-tarnsfer direction is from__________.

  • MSB to LSB
  • LSB to MSB
  • None
  • All above



Understanding UART and its implementation in the 8051 microcontroller is essential for enabling reliable and efficient serial communication in embedded systems. By mastering UART, developers can unlock a wide range of possibilities for interfacing with external devices and expanding the capabilities of their projects.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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