Understanding Directories in Linux

04 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Linux

Exploring Directories in Linux

Navigating, creating, and managing directories can be an intimidating task for anyone new to Linux. So, let’s take a look at the basics of Linux directories and how you can effectively use them.

What is a Directory?

Simply put, a directory (or folder) is a collection of files or other directories. In Linux, each directory has its own set of permissions that define who can access and modify its contents.

Basics Navigation

In order to navigate through directories, you must understand the directory structure. This structure starts with your home directory — represented by '~' — and all directories created within this directory are considered subdirectories. The root directory — represented by the '/' character — is the highest-level directory, containing all other files and directories on your system.

You can navigate between directories using the 'cd' command. For example, if you wanted to go to the root directory, you would type:

cd /

To move up one directory, type:

cd ..

To list the contents of the current directory, type:


Creating & Moving Directories

When you create a directory, you have the option to set specific permissions. The most important permission is 'rwx' which stands for read, write, and execute. Read permission allows users to view the contents of the directory, write permission allows them to add or remove files from it, and execute permission allows them to run programs within it.

To create a directory, use the 'mkdir' command followed by the directory name. For example:

mkdir mydirectory

To move a directory, use the 'mv' command followed by the name of the source and destination directory. For example:

mv mydirectory newlocation


Managing directories in Linux will help you organize your data and keep your system secure. With a basic understanding of the directory structure and how to create and move directories, you’ll be able to work effectively and efficiently with Linux.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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