How to Implement Loops in TypeScript

10 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Loops in TypeScript

TypeScript is a powerful language that provides great support for looping through data. It offers different loop types which allow developers to perform complex operations on data with minimal code. The main types of loops available in TypeScript are for, for..of,, while and do..while. Understanding these loop types and their usage will greatly improve the efficiency of your code.

For Loop: The for loop is the most common type of loop used in TypeScript. It can be used to iterate through an array or object and execute a block of code for each element. The syntax for this loop is as follows:

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
    //code to execute

For..Of Loop: This loop is similar to the for loop but can only be used with array-like objects. It allows you to iterate through the elements of an array without having to know its length. The syntax for this loop is as follows:

for (let element of array){
    //code to execute

For..In Loop: This loop is used to iterate through the properties of an object. The syntax for this loop is as follows:

for (let key in object){
    //code to execute

While Loop: The while loop executes a block of code while a condition remains true. The syntax for this loop is as follows:

while (condition){
    //code to execute

Do..While Loop: The do..while loop is similar to the while loop but always executes at least once even if the condition evaluates to false. The syntax for this loop is as follows:

do {
    //code to execute
while (condition)

These are just a few of the loop types available in TypeScript. With the right understanding of these loop types, you can easily write efficient code that makes use of the power of TypeScript to work with data.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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