Get to Know TrueView Ads in Google Ads

25 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Google

Understanding TrueView Ads with Google Ads

TrueView ads are a powerful feature offered by Google Ads that help drive brand awareness and sales conversions. TrueView ads are a type of video ad that gives viewers the choice to watch it or not, increasing engagement and providing more value to potential customers. With a wide range of ad formats available, TrueView ads can be used for a variety of marketing goals.

Types of TrueView Ads

The main types of TrueView ads you can use in Google Ads are:

  • In-Stream Ads – These are videos that play before, during, or after other videos on YouTube and partner sites. Users have the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds.
  • Discovery Ads – These are videos that appear in search results and on YouTube homepage feeds. They can be tailored to the user's interests using Google's targeting options.
  • Bumper Ads – Bumper ads are short, non-skippable 6-second videos that play before other videos on YouTube.

Benefits of TrueView Ads

TrueView ads offer many benefits, such as:

  • Higher conversion rates due to more qualified leads obtained from targeted ads
  • Increased brand awareness by taking advantage of YouTube’s huge audience
  • Ability to test different ad formats to determine what works best for your business
  • More control over budget with flexible cost models

How to Set Up a TrueView Ad Campaign

Setting up a TrueView ad campaign requires some planning and preparation. Here are the steps needed in order to get started:

  1. Choose which type of TrueView ad you want to create.
  2. Create your video ad. Be sure to include a call to action and an attention-grabbing headline.
  3. Set a daily budget and decide how much to pay for each view or click.
  4. Tailor the targeting options to target specific demographics or interests.
  5. Launch your campaign and monitor your progress.


TrueView ads are an effective way to increase visibility and reach a larger audience on YouTube. With several types of ads available and the ability to target certain demographics and interests, TrueView ads provide marketers with an effective way to reach potential customers. With some careful planning and preparation, you can take advantage of this powerful advertising feature and start driving more conversions for your business.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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