What is the default storage class for local variables and global variables?

28 Dec 2022 Balmiki Mandal 0 C Programming

Default Storage Class for Variables in C Programming Language

When programming in the C language, it's essential to understand how variables are stored in memory. The storage class of a variable determines its visibility, lifetime, and scope within a program. In C, variables can have different storage classes, and each class comes with its own set of rules regarding how the variable is stored and accessed.

Local Variables

Local variables are those that are declared within a function or block of code. They are only accessible within the block in which they are defined. Here's what you need to know about the default storage class for local variables in C:

  • Automatic Storage Class (auto): By default, if you declare a variable without specifying a storage class, it is considered to have automatic storage. This means that the variable's memory is allocated when the function or block containing the variable is entered, and it is deallocated when the function or block is exited.

  • Key Points:

    • The auto keyword is rarely used explicitly in modern C programming, as it's understood to be the default.
    • Local variables with automatic storage class are not initialized automatically. They contain garbage values until explicitly assigned.

Global Variables

Global variables are those that are declared outside of any function or block. They are accessible throughout the entire program, which means they have a global scope. Here's what you need to know about the default storage class for global variables in C:

  • External Linkage (extern): If you declare a variable outside of any function without using the static keyword, it is assumed to have external linkage by default. This means the variable can be used in other files if they include the declaration using an extern statement.

  • Key Points:

    • Global variables with external linkage can be accessed and modified by any part of the program.


Understanding the default storage classes for variables in C is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable code. By default, local variables have automatic storage, and global variables have external linkage. However, it's important to note that these defaults can be overridden using specific storage class specifiers like static, register, and extern.

Remember to explicitly specify storage classes when needed for clarity and to avoid potential issues in complex programs.

Note: Always ensure to explicitly specify storage classes when necessary for clarity and to avoid potential issues in complex programs.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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