Comparing Sets and Lists in Java

06 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Core Java

Set vs List in Java

Java provides a number of data structures to store the data in an organized manner. Two of the most popular one being Set and List. Both are used for storing the collection of elements, but there are some key differences between them.


A Set is a special type of Collection that does not allow duplicate elements. It is an unordered collection, meaning that it does not maintain any particular order for the elements. Sets do not provide any utility methods for doing common operations like adding or removing elements, so you have to use add() and remove() methods for that. Also, the elements stored in a Set are not indexed, therefore accessing an element inside a Set requires a complete iteration of the Set. Sets are best suited when you need to check if an element exists in the collection.


A List is an ordered collection that allows duplicate elements. It maintains an index-based ordering of the elements, thus allowing you to access any element without having to iterate over a list. This makes it more efficient to access elements. Also, List provides a number of methods which can be used for adding, removing and manipulating the elements. However, it should be noted that Lists are not as efficient as Sets for checking for existence of elements in that collection.


In conclusion, we can say that Sets and Lists both have their own uses when it comes to storing data and retrieving it. Sets are best suited for fast access, while Lists are better for organizing and manipulating the data.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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