Working with collections (lists, arrays, sequences) in F# programming language

24 Aug 2023 Sejal Sah 0 F# programming language

Exploring Collection Manipulation in F# Programming

Working with collections in F# is a fundamental aspect of the language, and F# provides a variety of tools and features to manipulate and process collections efficiently. F# treats collections as first-class citizens and offers a functional programming style for working with them. Here's a guide to working with collections in F#:


A list is a basic immutable collection in F#. Lists are defined using square brackets and semicolons to separate elements:

let myList = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

Common List Operations

  • applies a function to each element in a list.
  • List.filter creates a new list with elements that satisfy a given predicate.
  • List.fold and List.foldBack accumulate values from the list using a specified accumulator function.
  • List.reduce and List.reduceBack are similar to fold, but they don't require an initial accumulator.
  • List.sort and List.sortBy are used for sorting lists.
  • List.concat concatenates multiple lists into a single list.
  • List.rev reverses the order of elements in a list.
  • List.length returns the number of elements in a list.


Arrays in F# are more efficient for random access compared to lists but are mutable. Arrays are defined using square brackets:

let myArray = [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5|]

Common Array Operations

Arrays support many of the same functions as lists, but since arrays are mutable, they have additional features like element assignment and modification.


Sequences in F# are lazily evaluated collections. They are defined using the seq keyword:

let mySeq = seq { 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 }

Sequences are not stored in memory all at once, which can be advantageous for handling large data sets.

Common Sequence Operations

  • and Seq.filter work similarly to their list counterparts.
  • Seq.collect is used to flatten a sequence of sequences into a single sequence.
  • Seq.fold accumulates values like in lists and arrays.
  • Seq.init generates a sequence based on an initialization function.
  • Seq.take and Seq.skip allow you to take or skip a specified number of elements from a sequence.
  • Seq.sum, Seq.average, Seq.min, and Seq.max provide basic statistics for numeric sequences.

Pattern Matching with Collections

F# supports pattern matching which can be used to destructure and process collections effectively:

let processList lst =
    match lst with
    | [] -> "Empty list"
    | [x] -> sprintf "Single element: %d" x
    | x :: rest -> sprintf "First element: %d, Rest: %A" x rest

This code snippet demonstrates pattern matching on a list to handle different cases.

Immutable Collections

F# encourages an immutable programming style, so most collection operations return new collections instead of modifying the existing ones. This approach improves code reliability and reduces bugs.

These are just the basics of working with collections in F#. The language offers many more features for handling collections effectively while embracing functional programming principles.

BY: Sejal Sah

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