Working with Recursive Types in TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Working with Recursive Types in TypeScript

Recursive types (also known as self-referential types) are a powerful type system feature that allows us to define types that refer to themselves. In TypeScript, recursive types can be used to create complex data structures like trees and graphs.

The most basic example of a recursive type is a linked list. A linked list is simply a chain of nodes where each node points to the next node in the chain. The structure looks something like this:

    value: number;
    next: LinkedList | null;

As you can see, the type definition for a linked list contains a reference to itself. This is an example of a self-referential type.

Recursive types are useful for creating data structures like binary search trees, which store data in a hierarchical structure. Here is an example of a binary search tree type:

    value: number;
    left: BinarySearchTree | null;
    right: BinarySearchTree | null;

As you can see, this type definition contains references to itself twice, once for the left branch and once for the right branch.

Recursive types are also useful for defining types that contain themselves, such as a type that represents a list of strings that can also contain other lists. In TypeScript we can use a union type to do this:

ListOfStringsOrNestedLists {
    value: string;
    next: ListOfStringsOrNestedLists | null;

Now, when using a type like this, we need to be careful not to create an infinite loop. For example, if we attempt to create a linked list containing itself, then our program will never finish running! To prevent this situation from occurring, TypeScript provides us with an important tool called a type guard. Type guards allow us to check if a value has a particular type before attempting to use it.

Recursive types can be used to create complex and interesting data structures in TypeScript. They offer a powerful way to model relationships between different pieces of data. Just be sure to use type guards to ensure that your recursive types don’t cause an infinite loop!

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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