Working with Recursive Types in TypeScript

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Working with Recursive Types in TypeScript

In TypeScript, working with recursive types can be tricky due to the lack of a feature that allows you to define relationships between types. Fortunately, there is a way to work around this limitation using unions and intersection types to create recursive types.

A recursive type is one which refers to itself. This is commonly seen in data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs—structures where one element of the data structure can potentially point to another element in the same data structure, creating an infinite loop. To represent these kinds of data structures in TypeScript, we need to define a recursive type.

The simplest way to create a recursive type is to use a union type. A union type combines two or more types into one, so you can use it to combine the current type with itself. For example, if you have a type called Node, you can define a recursive type like this:

type Node = { data: string } | Node[]

This type states that a Node can either be an object containing a data field of type string, or an array of Nodes. By combining the type with itself, we have created a recursive type—a Node can either be a single object or an array of Nodes, including any array which contains Elements which are themselves nodes.

Another way to create a recursive type is to use intersection types. An intersection type takes two or more types and combines them into one, so you can use it to combine a new type with an existing one. For example, if you wanted to create a recursive type for a tree, you could do something like this:

type TreeNode = { data: string } & { children: TreeNode[] }

This type states that a TreeNode must have both a data field of type string and a children field which is an array of TreeNodes. By combining the type with itself, we have again created a recursive type—a TreeNode can either be a single object or an array of TreeNodes, including any array which contains elements which are themselves TreeNodes.

Recursive types can be useful when defining complex data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs. By combining unions and intersections types, you can define recursive types in TypeScript.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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