Working with TypeScript Proxies: Best Practices and Tips

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Working with TypeScript Proxies

TypeScript is an open-source language that enables developers to write JavaScript applications in a more concise and expressive way. It provides features such as type annotations, object-oriented syntax, advanced compile-time type checking, and powerful type inference. It also makes it easy to use the language's built-in proxy system, which provides powerful code-level customization and control of JavaScript objects.

What are TypeScript Proxies?

TypeScript proxies are wrappers around JavaScript objects that allow developers to customize their behavior. Proxies enable developers to trap operations performed on an object, and then provide a custom implementation for manipulating those operations. This opens up a range of possibilities, from adding custom type conversion behavior to adding custom security checks.

Proxies let developers intercept operations such as getting and setting properties, enumerating properties, and calling functions. These traps can be used to add custom logic before or after the operation, to check for security vulnerabilities, or to log debugging information.

How to Use Proxies in TypeScript Applications

Using proxies in TypeScript requires a few steps. First, you need to create a proxy handler object that defines which operations to trap. This handler must contain methods with the names of the operations to be intercepted, such as get, set, and apply. These methods take two arguments: the target object and the operation arguments.

Once the proxy handler has been created, a proxy can be created by passing this handler to the Proxy constructor. This object can then be used like any other JavaScript object. All operations performed on the object will be intercepted by the proxy handler.

Proxies are particularly useful for creating custom methods and security checks. For example, a proxy can be used to automatically convert numbers to strings when they are set on a property. Additionally, a proxy can be used to intercept all read/write operations and validate them against a predefined set of rules.


TypeScript Proxies provide a powerful way to customize the behavior of JavaScript objects in a TypeScript application. They allow developers to intercept operations on objects for custom implementations and security checks. With the help of Proxies, developers can create safer, more robust web applications written in TypeScript.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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