Working with TypeScript's Bigint Data Type

24 Jun 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Typescript

Working with TypeScript's BigInt Data Type

BigInt is a new primitive type in TypeScript that allows you to represent integers of arbitrary length. It is especially useful when dealing with large numbers, which can be difficult to represent and work with in other languages like JavaScript.

In order to use BigInts in TypeScript, you will need to declare them as such when declaring variables. This can be done by appending an n (for “number”) at the end of the numeric literal. For example:

const myNumber: bigint = 123n;

When working with BigInts, TypeScript provides operators to help you compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide them. For example, you can compare two BigInts using the usual comparison operators:

if (myNumber < 200n) {
    console.log('myNumber is less than 200');
} else {
    console.log('myNumber is greater than or equal to 200');

You can also use the usual arithmetic operators with BigInts, such as +, -, *, and /. For example:

const mySum: bigint = myNumber + 200n;
console.log(mySum); // Returns 323n

TypeScript also provides some other helpful functions for dealing with BigInts. For example, you can use the pow() function to raise one BigInt to the power of another:

const myResult: bigint = BigInt.pow(2n, 10n);
console.log(myResult); // Returns 1024n

If you are working with large numbers, TypeScript has many helpful tools that make it easier to work with them. And using the BigInt data type makes it simpler to keep track of and calculate large numbers.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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