YouTube Introduces 5 New Features for Creators

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 General

YouTube Adds 5 Features for Creators

YouTube has added several new features that content creators can use to make their videos stand out. These features allow for the creation of more interactive, engaging and personalized experiences for viewers.

1. Video End Screens

Video end screens enable creators to add calls-to-action at the end of their videos. They can add clickable elements like subscribe buttons, additional video or channel links, merchandise and crowdfunding links. This feature also allows viewers to easily explore related content and encourages them to take further action.

2.Chapter Markers

YouTube's chapter markers feature allows creators to divide their videos into sections and easily navigate through the content. This gives viewers an easy way to quickly find what they're looking for, without having to manually search and scrub through the video. This feature also has the benefit of helping YouTube's algorithms understand the contents of the video better.

3.Custom Thumbnails

Creators can now customize the thumbnails for their videos. This helps them make their video look more attractive and eye-catching. Having an engaging thumbnail increases a video's chances of being clicked on and watched by users.

4.Premiere Scheduling

YouTube now allows creators to schedule the premiere of their videos. They can choose a date and time, write a description, and attach custom thumbnails and end screens to the video before it goes live. This allows creators to create hype around their video and have viewers tune in at the designated time.

5.Creator Course

Creators can now access the “Creator Academy” which provides an introduction to creating, sharing and monetizing videos on YouTube. It includes in-depth video tutorials and best practices, along with tips and advice from experienced YouTubers. This feature offers a great way to learn the ins and outs of becoming a successful content creator on YouTube.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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