Track and Analyze Your Video Performance with YouTube’s Studio Mobile App

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Adds More Viewership Data to the Studio Mobile App

YouTube's Studio mobile app is a one-stop shop for managing your YouTube channel, including tracking and analyzing your video performance. With the Studio app, you can get insights into your views, subscribers, watch time, and more, all from your phone or tablet.

To track your video performance in the Studio app:

  1. Open the Studio app and tap Analytics.
  2. Tap Videos to see an overview of all your video performance metrics.
  3. To see more detailed analytics for a specific video, tap the video's thumbnail.

Some of the key video performance metrics you can track in the Studio app:

  • Views: The total number of times your video has been watched.
  • Uniques: The number of different people who have watched your video.
  • Watch time: The total amount of time people have spent watching your video.
  • Average view duration: The average amount of time people spend watching your video before clicking away.
  • Subscribers: The number of people who have subscribed to your channel.
  • Likes and dislikes: The number of people who have liked or disliked your video.
  • Comments: The number of comments your video has received.
  • Shares: The number of times your video has been shared.

You can also use the Studio app to track your video performance over time. To do this, tap Date range at the top of the Analytics screen and select the date range you want to view.

Analyzing your video performance

Once you have a good understanding of your video performance metrics, you can start to analyze them to identify trends and patterns. For example, you can look at which videos are getting the most views, which videos are getting the longest watch time, and which videos are getting the most engagement (likes, dislikes, comments, and shares).

This information can help you to understand what your audience is interested in and to create content that is more likely to resonate with them. For example, if you see that your videos about a particular topic are getting a lot of views and engagement, you could create more videos on that topic.

The Studio app also provides a number of other features that can help you to analyze your video performance, such as:

  • Audience insights: Get insights into your audience demographics, interests, and watch habits.
  • Top traffic sources: See where your viewers are coming from, such as search, other YouTube channels, or external websites.
  • Cards and end screens: Track the performance of your cards and end screens to see how well they are driving viewers to other videos or websites.

By using the Studio mobile app to track and analyze your video performance, you can gain valuable insights that can help you to improve your content and grow your audience.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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