YouTube Updates Ad Policy To Allow More Profanity In Videos

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Updates Ad Policy To Allow More Profanity In Videos

YouTube has updated its ad policy to allow more profanity in videos. The new policy, which went into effect on March 8, 2023, allows videos containing moderate profanity to be fully monetized. Videos containing stronger profanity may still be monetized, but they may receive limited ads.

Under the previous policy, videos containing any profanity in the first seven seconds or throughout the majority of the video were not eligible for ad revenue. This caused concern among some creators, who felt that the policy was too strict and adversely impacted their monthly earnings.

The new policy is designed to give creators more flexibility and to better reflect how people actually talk in real life. YouTube has also noted that the vast majority of viewers do not mind moderate profanity in videos.

However, YouTube is still prohibiting profanity in titles and thumbnails. Videos with profanity in titles and thumbnails will still be demonetized.

What does this mean for creators?

If you are a creator, you can now use moderate profanity in your videos without worrying about being demonetized. However, you should still be mindful of your audience and avoid using profanity excessively.

If you choose to use strong profanity in your videos, you should be aware that your videos may receive limited ads. This means that you may not earn as much ad revenue as you would if your video was fully monetized.

What does this mean for advertisers?

If you are an advertiser, you will now have more control over where your ads appear. You can choose to exclude your ads from videos containing profanity, or you can choose to allow your ads to appear on these videos.

To do this, you can go to your Google Ads account and edit your ad settings. Under the "Content exclusions" section, you can choose to exclude your ads from videos containing profanity.


YouTube's new ad policy is a positive step for both creators and advertisers. It gives creators more flexibility and allows them to express themselves more authentically. It also gives advertisers more control over where their ads appear.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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