YouTube Updates Its Policies On Eating Disorder-Related Content

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Updates Policies On Eating Disorder-Related Content

YouTube has announced that it is updating its policies on eating disorder-related content in an effort to create a safer space for its users. The new policies will prohibit content that features imitable behavior, such as videos that show or describe disordered eating behaviors, such as purging after eating or severely restricting calories, and weight-based bullying in the context of eating disorders.

YouTube will also be age-restricting certain videos about eating disorders, and introducing eating disorder crisis resource panels under videos. This is to protect viewers, especially those who are at risk of developing an eating disorder, from being exposed to harmful content.

The company's goal is to create a space for community, recovery, and resources, while continuing to protect viewers from potential triggers.

Summary of the key changes to YouTube's policies on eating disorder-related content:

  • Prohibition of imitable behavior: YouTube will prohibit content about eating disorders that features imitable behavior, such as videos that show or describe disordered eating behaviors or weight-based bullying in the context of eating disorders.
  • Age restrictions: YouTube will age-restrict certain videos about eating disorders, making them unavailable to viewers under 18. This age restriction approach was developed in consultation with third-party experts.
  • Crisis resource panels: YouTube will introduce eating disorder crisis resource panels under videos. These panels will provide viewers with information on how to get help if they are struggling with an eating disorder or know someone who is.

YouTube's new policies on eating disorder-related content are a welcome step forward. By prohibiting imitable behavior, age-restricting certain videos, and introducing crisis resource panels, YouTube is helping to protect its users from harmful content and create a safer space for community, recovery, and resources.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to support you on your journey to recovery.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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