YouTube Announces Launch of New Analytics & Custom Shorts Thumbnails

20 May 2023 Balmiki Mandal 0 Digital Marketing

YouTube Announces Launch of New Analytics & Custom Shorts Thumbnails

YouTube has announced the launch of new analytics data for video creators and the ability to customize Shorts thumbnails.

The new analytics data will give creators a breakdown of subscribers gained by content type, which wasn't previously available. Additionally, YouTube is enabling Shorts thumbnail customization for the first time.

These updates are part of YouTube's ongoing efforts to support video creators and help them grow their channels.

New Analytics Data

The new analytics data will give creators a better understanding of how their different types of content are performing. This information can be used to make informed decisions about what kind of content to produce and how to promote it.

To access the new analytics data, creators can go to the Studio Analytics page and select the Subscribers tab. From there, they can filter the data by content type to see how many subscribers they gained from each type of video.

Custom Shorts Thumbnails

Until now, creators could only customize thumbnails for their traditional YouTube videos. However, with the new Shorts thumbnail customization feature, creators can now create custom thumbnails for their Shorts videos as well.

This is a significant update, as it gives creators more control over how their Shorts videos are presented to viewers. Custom thumbnails can be used to make Shorts videos more visually appealing and to encourage viewers to click on and watch them.

To create a custom Shorts thumbnail, creators can simply upload an image to their Shorts video editor. The image should be square and have a resolution of at least 1280x1280 pixels.


The new analytics data and custom Shorts thumbnails features are valuable updates for YouTube creators. These features give creators more insights into their audience and more control over how their content is presented.

Creators should take advantage of these new features to improve their channels and grow their audience.

BY: Balmiki Mandal

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